
时间:2014/10/31 0:19:56 来源:我爱写信

一封信网为 大家 提供最爱丑女贝蒂最后一季的一封信

I've had to say good-bye more times than I'd liked.

But everyone can say that.

And no matter how many times we do it,

even when it's for the greater good,

It's still stinks.

And though we'll never forget what we've given up,

we owe it to ourselves to keep moving forward.

What we can't do is live our lives,

always afraid of the next good-bye.

Beause chances are they're not going to stop.

The trick is to recognize when a good bye,

canbe a good thing.When it's a chance to start again......

一封信网为 大家 提供最爱丑女贝蒂最后一季的一封信

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1、远方的小伙伴:    你好!    这些天你过得还好吗?不瞒你说,这几天我简直兴奋极了!也许你看到这封信时有点不高兴,但我希望这件事也能让你忘掉那些…阅读全文

2、亲爱的种子们:    你们好,我的种子。感谢你们这段时间给我带来的惊喜和快乐!你坚强,风吹雨打也不怕,你可以站在大雨和恶劣的天气里茁壮成长。你有…阅读全文